
Short-term accommodation.

This service provides emergency housing for young people between the ages of 13-17 who are at high risk of contextual safeguarding concerns, and who may be experiencing exploitation or trafficking. The accommodation is fully furnished and decorated to a high standard to ensure that young people feel safe and at home.

Therapeutic intensive one-to-one intervention

This service offers one-on-one therapeutic interventions for young people who have experienced exploitation or trafficking, and who may be dealing with trauma, anxiety, or other mental health concerns.

Support for contextual safeguarding concerns

Sanctuary Homes aims to address contextual safeguarding concerns such as potential gang activity, sexual exploitation, and drug pushing. The organisation provides holistic emergency support packages to ensure that young people, especially young women, are safe and can achieve their best outcomes.

Child Sexual Exploitation

At Sanctuary Homes, we are committed to creating safe homes for children, and we are deeply aware of the significant issue of child sexual exploitation. Child Sexual Exploitation refers to the abuse and manipulation of children for the purpose of sexual gratification, which can involve various forms of exploitation, such as pornography, trafficking, and grooming.

Become a part of our dedicated team and help empower youth

We offer a range of positions, from social workers and counsellors to support workers and administrative staff. To view our current vacancies, please visit this page.


Statement of Purpose

Children’s Guide

Location Risk Assessment


Available upon request
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